“All successful businesses need a strong brand.” – Karen Brady. 
Yes, that’s ALL businesses – yours included!
Why did she say this?
Karen has experienced at first hand, the frustration of trying to grow businesses without a strong brand and a clear sense of purpose. This is what drove her, personally, to re-define weak brands on the businesses she has run. In doing so, she has reaped the rewards from the positively dramatic commercial effect of addressing that weakness.
Why is this the case?
There’s a simple answer.
Brands are all about connections…allowing your business to make the right connections to be increasingly successful.
It’s about being the best solution for the RIGHT customers at the RIGHT time, with the RIGHT products and services, delivered by the RIGHT people, through the RIGHT channels and environments which all combine to create the RIGHT customer experiences. It’s about your brand’s business proposition, not a logo [Just one element of branding].
If your brand is not set up and finely-tuned to make these RIGHT connections, then your business will not be as successful as it could be. Simple.
There is huge commercial value in building in the ability for your brand [and business] to make strong connections with the RIGHT customers.
Research by Google revealed that creating a strong B2B brand connection typically results in customers that are:
- 5x more likely to consider buying your brand
- 13x more likely to purchase your brand
- 30x more likely to pay a premium for your brand.
Research and analysis by the Boston Consulting Group last year has shown that Brand Fans [customers who love what the brand does for them and strongly recommend to colleagues or friends] typically create up to 8x their own lifetime value through recommendation. You don’t need me to tell you, that ‘creating’ customers like that is worth having.
It’s more than that, it’s a dependable way to accelerating profitable growth for years to come.
So what?
Why not consider your brand for a moment. Where are the opportunities to refocus and fine-tune it for enhanced and sustained performance?